Course curriculum

    1. 1.1 Get Comfortable And Enjoy The Ride

    2. 1.2 Function Names and Function Calls • Returning None

    3. 1.3 Using Functions As Arguments in Other Functions

    4. 1.4 Parameters and Arguments

    1. 2.1 What's The Difference Between Positional and Keyword Arguments

    2. 2.2 Mixing and Matching Positional and Keyword Arguments

    3. 2.3 Changing The Order When Using Keyword Arguments

    4. 2.4 Introducing The Contact List Project

    5. 2.5 Using Positional and Keyword Arguments • And Using Pretty Print

    1. 3.1 Adding Default Values to Make Arguments Optional

    2. 3.2 The Order of Parameters With And Without Default Values

    3. 3.3 Back to The Contact List Project

    4. 3.4 A Side Note About The Order in Dictionaries

    5. 3.5 The Mutable Default Value Pitfall

    6. 3.6 A Quick Recap and Revisiting print()

    1. 4.1 A Small Detour: Unpacking

    2. 4.2 And A Bit More Unpacking

    3. 4.3 And A Quick Summary of All The New Terms

    4. 4.4 Using Any Number of Optional Positional Arguments • *args

    5. 4.5 Unmasking *args

    6. 4.6 Some Rules When Using *args

    7. 4.7 Using Any Number of Optional Keyword Arguments • **kwargs

    8. 4.8 And Now, Let's Put *args And **kwargs Together

    9. 4.9 Using *args in The Contact List Project • Part 1

    10. 4.10 Using *args in The Contact List Project • Part 2

    11. 4.11 Using **kwargs in The Contact List Project

    1. 5.1 The Rogue Forward Slash In A Function Signature • Positional-only Arguments

    2. 5.2 The Rogue Asterisk In A Function Signature • Keyword-only Arguments

    3. 5.3 Revisiting *args

    4. 5.4 Functions With Both / and *

    1. 6.1 Replacing return With yield

    2. 6.2 A Bit More on Generator Functions

    3. 6.3 Creating Multiple Generators From The Same Generator Function

About this course

  • 37 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content