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A Python Tale: A Relaxed Stroll Through Programming Basics (For Beginners)
CourseA different way of learning to code in Python. This flagship course takes you through the basics of programming in a teaching style that's friendly and relaxed. The focus is on clarity and really understanding what's going on.
A Turtle Tale
CourseA beginners' course with a difference. It's entirely visual. This course introduces the fundamentals of programming through graphics-based examples using Python's built-in `turtle` module. A fun way of learning the basics.
How Functions Function • An Intermediate Level Course on Functions
CourseA deeper dive into functions, including using default arguments, positional and keyword arguments, *args and **kwargs, positional-only and keyword-only arguments, and generator functions.
Pythonic Loops & Comprehensions
CourseThere's more than just the basic `for` loop. In this course we look at looping using `zip()` and `enumerate()`, the iterator protocol, list (and) comprehensions, generator expressions, `itertools`, `map()` and `filter()`, and more
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
CourseA gentle introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). This course doesn't try to cover everything there is to cover in OOP. Instead, it focuses on the fundamentals of OOP and the OOP mindset.